Home / Explore / Evanston Children’s Choir -- Youth Chorale Pops

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Evanston Children’s Choir -- Youth Chorale Pops

Evanston Children’s Choir

These are our main training groups for beginning and intermediate-level singers with a contemporary/pop theme. This season the Youth Chorale will be divided into 2 groups along age lines, for grades 1-3 and 4-8. No audition is required—sign up and sing! Members in these groups range from young beginners to kids who are a little older but are not ready for—or may choose not to participate in—the Concert Choir. The focus of these groups is on developing good vocal skills and habits, and experiencing the joy of singing. Both Youth Chorales typically perform at our Holiday Concert in December, at our Spring Fundraiser and at our Spring Concert in May.


Age: 7—14
Cost: $
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 09/09/2024 - 12/14/2024

Days: Mon (4:15 PM-5:15 PM)

Registration deadline: n/a


Gary Geiger




927 Noyes Street
Evanston,IL 60201

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