See More Activities Like This Amazing Minds Educational Enrichment Amazing Minds The Amazing Minds curriculum is thematic based and incorporates the core academic areas. Our program is centered around Piaget’s theory of “learning by doing,” and our hands on format allows our goal to be achieved- to instill in each a child a love of learning, by making learning FUN! Whether the topic is the Animal Kingdom, China, or Space (20 topics in all!), mixed with math, science, reading, dramatic play and art, this educational enrichment is a class you do not want your child to miss! TOPICS CHANGE EACH SESSION AND EACH SCHOOL YEAR! LINK TO FLYER #DigitalBackpack Visit Website Share this workshop Age: 5—8 Cost: $ Type: In Person
Date + Time Date(s): 12/09/2024 - 03/07/2025 Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Registration deadline: 12/09/2024 Contact Doreen Caputo 847-559-8875 Location Evanston,IL 60201